Who do you have around you to help you stay on track when the journey turns out to be longer and more challenging that you expected? (And it will.) Or if you’ve been at this for a while, who do you have to help carry the load when the avalance falls on you and you’re buried so deep in work you don’t know when you’re going to see the light of day again? (This too will happen.)
In life, I have a small group of friends with whom I can and do share both joys and sorrows and I have my family, including two of my children who work for me; my daughter Karen and my son Eric.
Then there’s the VO-BB, a wonderful spot where I’ve connected with a signficant number of friends quite laterally all over the globe, many of whom I’ve not had the pleasure of meeting in person. And as a sort of bridge between the online and real worlds, there’s Faffcon. Many of the people who attend are friends from online and some of them are among my closest personal and professional friends.
Each of these represents a component of my support network. I in turn am part of the support network for many of them. So, what does your support network look like?
Hi Bob,
Thanks for another good, solid read. We’ve yet to meet, but I wanted you to know that yours is a “voice,” both spoken and written, that I lean on for support, whether behind the mic, the keyboard, or describing to others the work that I do. Many thanks!
Best Regards,
This is a valuable reminder to me. I am frequently buried and overwhelmed, and often the most urgent things get tackled ahead of the most important things.
My biggest post-FaffCon goal is to get better at leveraging my VO business support team, which will free me up to do more of the things that I alone can do. (It’s hard to delegate time behind the mic!)And by the way, I’m always overjoyed with the competence and professionalism I encounter when I have the good sense to hire Karen and Eric to help me complete a project.
On the more personal side, I consider you an important part of my support team, Bob. Every time I’ve looped you into some sticky situation, your good counsel has guided and comforted me. I wonder if you realize how big a difference you make.
Of course, when I add in how important the three of you are to FaffCon’s success (including Cinda–who took on a very important, VERY helpful role this last time) it makes me want to change my name to Souer and book at flight to Pittsburgh!
In my professional carpenter life working alone, I have a retired general contractor friend from church. He is a mentor, a valuable resource as a sounding board, and he has a wealth of knowledge. When work is slow or I am trudging through a long project, my family is there to encourage me, and my son is getting old enough to come along and lend a hand when there is a teacher workday. I’ve yet to connect to these kinds of resources in voiceover yet. So far I just enjoy ‘lurking'(mostly) on the VO-BB. I have a great time with the improv troupe I workout with. It is a great tension release!
Thanks for your blog!
As always, Bob, you hit the nail on the head. We must find or create support systems in our VO biz in order to feel connection, resilience and support. At Faffcon3 I heard for the first time about creating a Mastermind group using Google Video Hangout from the generous and brilliant Doug Turkel.
On the very last day, in the closing circle, I approached a new VO friend about joining me in this endeavor and am now very happy to be participating monthly with colleagues whom I deeply admire and now call friends. It’s something I look forward to every month and a place where we can feel safe letting it all hang out and receiving loads of support.
I thank Faffcon, well, our dear Amy Snively for setting the stage to allow this kind of resource sharing to flourish. Thanks Amy! Your sessions, Bob, are consistently some of the most practical I have attended. Thanks for all the support YOU and your whole family provide. The VO community is very lucky to have you. ¡Gracias Bob!
Great post.
Thank you!
Be well,
Have just joined the VO community….look forward to connecting