If you’d like to help Voices.com compile a list of suggested rates for their clients, check out this post on their blog and add your comment. I’ve just added mine.
I suspect this might be a somewhat frustrating excercise for Stephanie, since what she hoped to get was a number of specific numbers (the rates people are actually charging) that she could then average to compile her suggested rates.
But, and this is just my guess, I think there are a number of folks commenting who don’t want to be specific about how much they charge. If you look at my post, you’ll see specific rates and yes, they are real. (But, as I’m typing this I just realized I neglected to note those are the national rates. Local and regional are lower, of course; as are limited runs.)
As I’ve written previously, there’s enough voice-over work for everyone. Sometimes I win the audition. Sometimes I don’t. But, you have to want to audition if you’re going to be successful as a voice-over talent. Auditioning is our job, or at least 90% (or more) of it. The paying jobs are just the frosting, the fun parts. And of course, the parts that allow us to keep at it.
So, if you do visit the linked blog post and add a comment, I hope you’ll post honestly and specifically.