Dave Carroll describes his recent voiceover session experience as being sort of like…
…a piece of meat and poked and prodded until the right sound comes out of my mouth.
Yeah, it can feel that way, sometimes. But, it’s still way better than working for a living!
Read the whole thing. It’s not long and if you’ve done any number of voiceovers you’ll know exactly where Dave’s coming from.
Yes, it’s definetly slightly better than gravedigging! Ha (I actually did that as a summer job while going through college!)
Thanks for the link!
While I have never dug graves (that has to qualify as the strangest college summer job I have ever heard of!), I grew up in the farm country of Minnesota and spend many smelly hours doing real work that I am very grateful I no longer have to do. Very, very grateful.
Thanks for the comment.
Be well,