Posted today on the VO-BB by Mr. Banks, in response to the one year anniversary of working in the voiceover business by one of our colleagues were these 16 years of lessons learned…as he put it, “from an elderly and frail man a few random thoughts.”
1990 – No matter what you believe there is nothing better than speaking to the decision makers and getting your demo in front of them.
1991 – Keep looking for those elusive new clients and keep your existing clients happy.
1992 – Aim high as the person you know will say “No†may surprise you and say “yes.”
1993 – Get to know the people who work alongside your clients and producers as most will be the clients of the future. Get to know them, DON’T network them.
1994 – Don’t work for nothing, but be prepared to make a loss, as in the long term the loss will prove to have been an investment.
1995 – Steer clear of the gossips, moaners and negs. You believe you are able to rise above them, but in truth you will catch yourself stooping to their level and one day you’ll moan about the wrong person to the wrong person.
1996 – When someone gives you a tip it’s usually because they’ve been given a better one. Good or bad, always say thank you and never say “I knew that†even if you did.
1997 – Do the jobs you hate doing as often as possible. Master those and when the jobs you love come along your star will shine brightly.
1998 – Don’t become a Voice Over bore, most people really don’t care. To be interesting one first must become interested.
1999 – Wise up to the users. Introduce the word “No†into your vocabulary and learn to use it without malice, vitriol or bitterness.
2000 – Let people know you are open to offers, work is work. The reason you aren’t being asked could be because people think you are not interested.
2001 – Embrace change but don’t follow the pack. Get better at making what works for you WORK BETTER.
2002 – Are you kidding yourself that one market makes you money or is it just taking more of your time than the profitable jobs? If you think something is not worth the effort you’re probably right –- Fortune really does favour the brave.
2003 – Life 1st, Voice Over work 2nd. For some strange reason if you concentrate on the 1st you get more of the 2nd.
2004 – Don’t send wine by the bottle, send it by the case. Most of the people for whom you work do not earn $300 per hour. A “Thank you†package can really make someone’s day.
2005 – Set yourself goals and stick to them. If the goals don’t make you think “I’m not sure if I’ll …..†they’re too low.
2006 – If you want to play, enjoy. If you want to get somewhere as a Voice Over you have to earn the right to play and it takes serious commitment. Be nice, be approachable, be easy to work with, be honest even when tempted to do otherwise. It’s worth bearing mind that people don’t have to like you, they have to hire you.
2007 – To anyone who got this far. May yours be happy, healthy, peaceful, prosperous and full of dreams come true.
I love it!! Thank you for the post! Wise advise, and many things we need to be reminded of often (at least I do!).
Thank you for your comment. Yes, Mr. Banks is a very bright man with many valuable things to say.
Be well,
Thank you for the link.
It’s been said that great minds run in similar channels. From the evidence on hand, apparently we both have great minds. Of course, neither of us can hold a candle to the esteemed Mr. Banks.
Be well,