In a recent post on her blog, Kara Edwards examines some of the many things that fascinate her. One of her key fascinations is working as a voice actor, but she has many other interests, too.
I am a multifaceted woman. I am a voice actor, a television spokesperson, a writer, a producer, a gardener, a scrapbooker, a painter, a daughter, a sister, a friend, and a wife. I pray often. I fall down a lot. I am a terrible speller. I record voice overs from home, and I travel half-way across the country to bring characters to life. I am also an amateur photographer. I sell stock photos online.
Kara looks around her and wonders how other people do it…
I see so many talented people in the world, men and women doing the exact job I do- and they seem to have it all together. I’m assuming they’ve been given some Divine advice I missed out on.
The key word in that paragraph is “seem.” They seem to have it all together. One of the deadliest traps in life is to compare ourselves with someone else. There are few pursuits more fruitless and even destructive.
Focus is a good thing. Here’s how I understand focus: Pouring energy into our central passion. My friend Kristine Oller has helped me understand that we can, in fact, successfully have lots of fascinations. We just have to learn how to organize them around our central passion in life. Drop those that don’t move us forward. Concentrate on those that do.
May all the facets of your life reflect your God-given passion.
I always love to read you thoughts! Thank you for being wise and honest…and for sharing it with us! Organization is a skill I have never quite mastered, but continue to work on every day. Sometimes, just ‘clearing away the clutter’ helps me focus. That’s why blogging is a blessing! Get it out there, leave it out there, and learn something new. Thank you again!
Thank you for your kindness and your insights. And keep putting it out there. I enjoy reading your blog, too.
Be well,