Karen Commins writes a voiceover blog I make a point of checking just about every day. Her new post about ways to build publicity and traffic for your site is well worth your time. Thank you for the continuing stream of good ideas, Karen.
Karen Commins writes a voiceover blog I make a point of checking just about every day. Her new post about ways to build publicity and traffic for your site is well worth your time. Thank you for the continuing stream of good ideas, Karen.
Hi, Bob! Thank YOU for the kind remarks. I also check your blog just about every day, and I only wish that I could as prolific with the updates as you are! 🙂 Whether I’m thinking of a blog update or an idea for my business, I find that if I don’t have time to implement it at the moment (which is usually the case), I at least write down the idea so I don’t lose it.
Hey, that sounds like an idea for another blog entry. You read it here first! When you’ll see it on my blog is anyone’s guess!
I look forward to reading that post when you get time to write it. And like you, when an idea comes to mind and I don’t have time to actually flesh it out, I’ll write it down.
In fact, what works really well for me is that I’ll email my idea to myself. And I’ll flag the new message when it arrives for later action so it serves as both a reminder of what I want to write and that I need to do so. You’re welcome to steal that idea, if you don’t use it already.
Be well,