Stephanie has written some thoughtful comments at the Vox Daily voiceover blog about studying with a voiceover coach. There are several good voiceover coaches. If you’ve been reading here for a few weeks, you know that my first and highest recommendation for a voiceover coach is Nancy Wolfson. She works with folks in Southern California in person and with people like me who live in other parts of the world over the phone.
In the interests of full disclosure, if you decide to study with Nancy and you mention that you are doing so because of what you read here, she’s going to give me a free lesson.
(Update: If you are or know a voiceover coach based in Canada, Stephanie is looking for contact information. Check out her post here.)
(Edited to fix typo)
My name is David Bourgeois and I too am involved extensively in voice acting training.
I can tell you based on commentary form previous clients of ours that Nancy is indeed a Pro!
Regardless of how an aspiring voice actor finds training, it is important for individuals pursuing our industry to realize that training is critical. Success is not as simple as having a great voice.
I’ve met people too many times who were convinced to simply pay someone or an organization to make them a demo, with no evaluation or training.
I sincerely hope anyone entering our field recognizes that voice acting is a profession where money changes hands. Therefor, you the voice actor will be expected to perform as a professional.
Very well said. Thank you for the good comments.
Be well,