Last year, I didn’t remember my blogiversary until the month of May was almost over. This year, as I was out driving a bit earlier, I remembered that today is the day 2 years ago when I started this voiceover blog. So, happy blogiversary to me!
And thank you, where ever you may be, for reading. I’m so very grateful that we’ve managed to write and link enough material to keep at least a few of you interested.
Happy Blogiversary, Bob! Keep up the great work and thanks for this little glimpse into the VO world.
Thank you! And I love your corner of the Internet too.
Be well,
Happy Blogiversary, Bob!
Your blog is my inspiration. You are a pioneer at this, which I admire greatly. Funny, what comes to you while driving, isn’t it? It just dawned on me the other day that I just celebrated my 37th year as a professional in broadcasting this past April. (Yes- it was April 4, 1970 that I first cracked a mic and got paid for it) Time does fly when you’re having fun! (Hope I’m not dating myself too badly)
Hugs, Bobbin
Having met you, I figure you must have been doing your first gig prenatally! Thank you for your kind comments.
Be well,
Happy Blogiversary, Bob!
Your posts have enlightened me on more than a few occasions. I’m grateful for your efforts. Or are they blefforts?
Bob, your blog has been a go-to source for quite some time. I refer others to it all the time as well. You are providing a good service to us all.
Blessings and thanks for all your efforts!
Brian in Charlotte
Well then, cake, where the darn cake?!
Congrats Bob on two great years (there will be no “terrible twos” for this blog).
Best always,
Cake? Uh, that’s going to have to wait until next year, I guess.
Brian, thank you for the very kind comments. And Tony, hmmm. Blefforts? Sure, that’s what they are. I’ll have to remember that one.
Be well,
To his friends… he’s insightful,
To his clients… he’s delightful!
Keeep on keeping on, Bob!
Happy blogiversary!
Hi Bob,
Happy Blogiversary from your friends at VOX Daily and 🙂
I love that term… did you coin it?
No, I can’t take credit for “blogiversary.” I honestly don’t remember where I first saw it, but it’s been around for a few years I think.
And thank you for the lovely comment.
Be well,
You are so very kind. Thank you. I will keep on, so long as I’m able!
Be well,
Hey Bob,
Way to go! Thank you for all the great articles and links and building community.
…I know I still owe you a piece of icecream cake – BUT will you settle for a muffin?:)
A muffin will do nicely! Thank you for the wonderful comments and for providing me with fun things to which to link.
Be well,
Happy Blogiversary! Enjoy all the articles, videos, and stuff.
All the best!
Thank you for your kind comment.
Be well,
Happy Blogiversary! Bob, I hope I’ve already expressed my respect and admiration for you and your work. Above all, you are simply a wonderful guy. Many more, good pal… many more.
Thank you. I’m so very glad to be your friend. And I look forward to seeing you again in June at our NC-VO get together.
Be well,
Dear, Sweet Bob-
So glad your blog is in the world so we can celebrate it’s Blogiversary!! You’ve given your fellow voice talents a lot to chew on over these past two years, so thank you!
Anna Vocino
Thank you for your very kind comments. And I’m looking forward to hearing you and Nancy tomorrow and Monday.
Be well,
I’m late getting my comment in here, but wanted to wish you a happy blogiversary! You are an inspiration, thank you for your continued hard work in helping all of us vo talents!
Thank you. Your friendship and support mean a lot. And I look forward to seeing you again next month at our NC-VO get-together.
Be well,
Next YEAR?!!!
Cake NOW!
Cake NOW!
Cake NOW!
I think I speak for everyone 😉
Best always
No doubt you do. I just have figured out the “cake plug-in” for WordPress yet. Thus, the wait. Sorry.
Be well,
Bob, Donovan, Kara – what’s all this about an VO-NC get together. My Spidey Senses Smell a Ho Down.
Anna and I need to come a-furniture shoppin’ and hang with our new NC posse. Whenizzit?
My friends out there say it is like, and I quote, “Equatorial Africa” out there in the summertime, but for you guys and the furniture stores…?… Compelling reasons to schlep n’ schvitz…?
Happy Blogiversary, Blirthday, and Blother’s Day.
The VO-NC get together is taking place June 23rd in Winston-Salem, NC; which is between Charlotte and Raleigh and thus centrally located for the majority of us.
If you and Anna make it here that weekend to go furniture shopping, you are most welcome. It would be lovely to see you here.
Thanks for the lovely comment.
Be well,