For those just getting started, or for that matter anyone doing voiceover work who doesn’t want to spend money needlessly, Audacity is a remarkably powerful audio editor that is programmed under the Open Source model. Which means it’s free. Even better, there are versions that run under Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. So, no matter which major OS you’re using, this editor is available to you.
My friend Bill Mecca created a tutorial about using Audacity, which he has helpfully posted on YouTube.
Hi Bob,
I have been out of internet circulation lately (jury duty) but imagine my surprise upon visiting your blog and seeing a link to the quickie tutorial I did recently! I produced that for a fellow sax player who was having some issues recording with a backing track, but it does have information that can be used by all. I have more planned. I hope some find it useful.
You’re welcome and I look forward to seeing more of these from you as you roll them out. Good stuff.
Be well,