I’m always looking for other folks who blog about voiceover so I can add them to my blogroll. (In case you can’t tell my goal, at least for that part of my blogroll, is to have as complete and comprehensive a list of folks blogging about voiceover as humanly possible.)
Anyway, I ran across a voiceover blog written by Steve Matthews a short while ago. As I was digging through the archives there, I noted this wonderful post he titled “It’s Only Important to a Small Circle of Friends.” Take a couple of minutes to read the whole thing. I think you’ll be glad you did.
This article rings so true. The mark of a true professional is to not allow personal issues play a role in your performance. As they say, “check your baggage at the door”.
Thanks for this post.
I agree. In fact, I know I’m going to be visiting Steve’s blog pretty often. He has a lot of good things to say.
Be well,
PS: I have so enjoyed seeing your updates on the work you and your husband are doing on your new booth. Thank you for those excellent posts.
Hello Again, Bob,
We’re making a lot of progress on the booth. We’re pretty much limited to working on weekends. We have it moved into the house and assembled. Today I picked up a new stool, lamp, fan, various cables, and a wireless mouse and keyboard. I’ll probably be posting more pictures and the next progress report this weekend. We’re getting closer!
All the Best,
Thank you for the expanded update. I look forward to reading the full report and seeing the photos when you’re able to get things posted.
Be well,