For some time now, when I receive a lead from that has “To-be-defined” as the budget amount, I delete the lead without reading further. I give credit to my good friend Amy Snively for being the spark that helped lead me to this decision. (Thank you, Amy for consistently demonstrating a professional attitude about your work. You are an inspiration.)
On the blog yesterday, Alex Torrenegra has posted information about a change they’ve made to the way the ratings mechanism at works for folks who post jobs with “To-be-defined” budgets.
From now on, the first time a voice seeker rates an audition/proposal with one or two stars we show them a large message asking them if their decision was based on the quoted price. If so, we ask the voice seeker to delete the audition/proposal instead of rating it low. This message will be seen by voice seekers in projects with budget “To-be-defined”.
I know there are lots of folks who are unhappy with the rating system at I really don’t worry about it too much. There are most important things in life and work than worrying about how someone rates my auditions at
Thanks for your kind words, Bob! And also for bringing this terrific news to my attention! I’ve been saying that voice seekers on V123 don’t understand the rating system, and this could go a long way toward helping them make better, fairer choices.
XO, Amy
You’re welcome, and I agree. This change is certainly a move in the right direction.
Be well,
So Voice 123 brings on board SmartCast…
Haven’t seen the results I would like with that yet…instead of SmartCast, how about SmartHass:)
No doubt that would be a great improvement, especially for you, eh? 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Be well,
I am weighing the value of paying the membership for Voice 123. Without knowing its effectiveness, the $295 is a steep price. Your input is appreciated.
If $295 seems like a lot of money to spend on advertising your voiceover services, (that’s how I categorize my annual fee) then don’t do it.
Be well,
Sorry Bob, but that is a ridiculous answer. Just asking for some input from folks who use this service to evaluate it’s value. I would appreciate some real life responses to the value of this service. That’s all. Thanks Andrew
Andrew, represents an excellent value to me. I spend about $300 per year, and earn many multiples of that in income from clients I meet there and to whom I would not otherwise have access.
You’re welcome to ask whatever follow-up questions you like, but practice a bit more civility in doing so.
Be well,
I appreciate your comment. Hopefully after hearing back from a few other users, I will decide if it’s worth it. aa
You’re welcome.
Be well,