Home Recording Connection is a site I stumbled upon this evening. It’s filled with interesting ideas. Some are better than others, but one that I thought especially worthwhile is this article about how to sound proof your garage on a budget, thus turning it into a studio.
In the case of this article, the writer was building out his garage to use as a practice studio for his rock band; but the ideas will work just as well for making a quiet space to put your home voiceover studio. What I especially like is that the article is filled with ideas about how to do this build-out for very little cost.
(edited to fix typo. Thanks Chris Eder for helping me with that one.)
Whenever anyone asks me to suggest the best resource for Voiceover knowledge, I never hesitate–I tell them “Bob Souer.”
Thanks again for keeping us headed in the right direction.
Thank you for this very kind comment. That glow you see to the west this evening is me, blushing.
Be well,