On the Vox Daily blog, Stephanie has published Deb Monro‘s interesting Self Assessment Quiz for Voice Actors. Here are the questions, as posted on Vox Daily with my responses.
1. How much training have you had?
1 course or workshop (1); 2 to 4 (2); 5 or more, or relevant university degree (3); No training at all, I’m a natural (0).
My answer: 5 or more workshops – 3 points
2. How much have you invested in your voiceover business?
$100 to $500 or less (1); $600 to $1,500 (2); Over $1,500.00 (3); Less than $100 (0).
My answer: Over $1,500.00 – 3 points
3. How long is your demo?
1:00 to 1:30 (3); 1:30-2:00 (2); Under 1:00 or over 2:00 (1); I don’t have a demo (0).
My answer: 1:00 minute – 3 points
4. What kind of equipment do you have?
Pro Studio (3); USB mic and computer (2); Computer mic and computer (1); I do not have my own equipment (0).
My answer: Pro Studio – 3 points
5. Do you have an agent?
Yes (3); No (2); Why do I need an agent? (0).
My answer: Yes – 3 points
6. How many cities do you have agencies in?
1 (1); 2 (2); 3 or more (3); Didn’t know that was possible (0).
My answer: 4 cities – 3 points
7. Are you a union member?
Yes (2); No (1); Why would I join a union? (0).
My answer: I’m a dues paying non-member (financial core) so while I work under contracts from both US broadcast unions as often as possible, but I’m not a member. – 1 point
8. How often do you audition?
Once a day or more (3); A few times a week (2); A few times each month (1); Occasionally or Rarely (0).
My answer: On average once a day or a little more, but only for work that interests me and pays enough to be worth my time – 3 points
9. Where do you get most of your work from?
Self marketing and promotion (3); Agent (2); Other resources (1); Work will come to me (0).
My answer: Repeat customers, self marketing and promotion – 3 points
10. Do you look for work outside of the typical resources?
Yes–I talk about voiceover to any potential client (3); No – that’s up to my agent and the sites that I’m on (2); I don’t need to promote (0).
My answer: I talk about voiceover to any potential client. – 3 points
For those of you keeping score at home, and assuming that my math weakness isn’t rearing its ugly head, that adds up to 28 points.
Here are the concluding comments from Deb, if you want to score yourself.
0 to 10 – You haven’t done enough yet to get the work you’re seeking. Keep training and developing until you can score 20 or more. Those who are landing this work NEVER stop looking and are constantly educating themselves to keep up with the trends, even while they’re working. Remember, “Those who do the work get the work.â€
11 to 20 – You’re heading down the right path. You are taking some of the necessary steps that you need to take to become a full time professional voice talent. You still need to get your score up over 20. What can you do to change your numbers? More marketing. Don’t rely solely on your agent. Keep educating yourself. Always tell everyone what you do. Everyone you meet is a potential client or referral source.
20 to 30 – You are doing the right things to make it in this industry. You are probably landing some work if your score is this high. Perhaps it’s not the amount of work you were hoping for, but if you keep at this and have the talent, it will come. It can be discouraging, but know that you’re doing the right things. Patience and perseverance are the keys for you. Keep your score up in this range and good things should follow. If you’re the right voice, you’ll get the job. Stay with it – they have to hear you before they can hire you!
Update: I neglected to mention that Jeffrey Kafer’s blog is where I saw the link to this article first. Thank you, Jeffrey.
Hey Bob!
Thanks for sharing this!
I got 26 points. This is actually a nice boost to know that I’m doing that I need to do!
I’m not surprised that you scored so well. Keep up the good work.
Be well,
I’m nipping at your heels, Bob!!! 😉
I’m sure it’s just a momentary snapshot in time as you prepare to zoom right on past me! The very best to you, Liz.
Be well,
Bob – and Liz,
I think Liz needs to get her own blog too:)
Didn’t you get one for Christmas?
Happy “To-BLOG-ganing” trails to all…
Thanks for vote of confidence, Ralph!
…but….are you kidding?
ALL I would ever do is reference Bob’s blog, and yours, and CourVO’s, and Kara’s, and Joe’s, and the VO-BB…and……… 😉
…I need a life!
…oh..and Peter’s!!!! 🙂
I quite agree. Liz would do a fabulous voiceover blog, if she put her mind to it. Of course, the last thing she needs is something else to do.
And Liz, most of my posts are links to those some places. That’s a big part of what blogging is about, finding interesting stuff and pointing the way so others can find it too.
Be well,
That’s what is great about your blog- you show us the direction to go!! Yes, Liz does need a blog- it would be a great read!
Bob, we had the same score, and very similar answers- this was fun! OK- back to marketing and promoting my biz 🙂
Thank you, but in this case, all credit needs to go to Stephanie at Vox Daily and to Deb Monro for creating the survey in the first place. All I’ve done is copy and share.
Be well,
4 points less an 18 point penalty for laughing.
It’s all over for me.
I call dibs on Philip’s wee-huttie!!!!!! 😉
Thank you for adding a bright spot to my day. I always love hearing from you.
Liz, I suspect you’ll have to pry his wee-huttie from his cold, dead fingers. And even that may not succeed.
Be well,
Rats. Last again.
Well maybe I’m last on the list but first…in the line for the buffet.
No, that’s not right.
…first in the pool.
Um, nope.
Oh, first in everyone’s heart.
Well, I think I like the buffet option better.
As for my score I’m a writer, not a math guy. I’ll wait until my brilliant 2 y.o. daughter wakes up and let her do that math.
THEN I’ll know if I have a career ahead of me in this business!!!! 😉
Best always,
– Peter
Nah, Peter, I think you should give it up now…while you’re still first in the buffet line!…mmmmmm…that French Toast look gooood!
Hey Peter,
Could you start the voting on your blog for Liz to get a blog?:)
http://LizBlog.blogspot.com is unfortunately taken but maybe http://PeaceFromLiz.blogspot.com would work Liz?
If you don’t have a career ahead of you in this business, I have no hope whatever.
And Liz, I think it’s hilarious that you of all people should be going for the “French” toast. Ha! You’re a living pun.
Be well,
That’s me!!!
An excellent suggestion. But, you know, we can do that right here.
Be well,
You guys are killin’ me!!!!!!
OMG…Bob…help me!
:rolls eyes:
Evidently, you haven’t seen my latest post yet. Ha! Ha!
Be well,