For real? Yes, indeed. On the Babble-Blog, from BabbleOn studio in Minnesota, we find this report of former Denver Broncos cheerleader Michele Beisner recording a voiceover at their studio for the NFL Network. Interesting stuff, guys.
(Update: The Babble-Blog doesn’t have permalinks, or if they do I can’t find them, so the link above goes to the main blog. Scroll down to the posts for January 14th to find the specific post.)
Hey Bob,
Thanks for pointing people to the Babble-Blog – I’m flattered you find it interesting and helpful to your readers.
I will need to readdress the permalink issue with the site. At one point we had it, but with the update we did last September, we apparently neglected to keep that feature. I will look into it.
Thanks again….
-André Bergeron Babble-On Recording
You’re welcome for the link. I certainly didn’t intend any criticism about the permalinks. I just wanted to be sure that when folks click through they can find the specific article.
Be well,
Bob Souer
Hey Bob – I certainly didn’t feel criticized. In fact – I’m quite thankful for the insight and the added guidance for those who want to find that link down the road. It is only through the sharing of these ideas that we’re able to unearth what works for people -so, please, I’m happy to know of such things. Your comments are always welcome…
Have a great day!
André Bergeron, Babble-On Recording
I’m glad to know no offense was taken. I hope your day is great, too.
Be well,
Hey Bob – Just wanted to say thank you again for your linking to us. We get quite a bit of traffic courtesy of you and just wanted to say how much we appreciate your doing so.
You are most welcome! I hope the next time I’m up that way to visit my family that I can stop by as say “hello” in person.
Be well,
You’re always welcome to stop in and say “Hello” – Beats the virtual tour, any day.