Bettye Zoller will be leading workshops in Denver on The Business of Voiceovers on July 30, 2008 and on audiobooks on August 3, 2008. According to this page at VoiceOverXtra, she’ll also be in Nashville in June as well as holding several classes in Dallas, TX in the spring. My thanks to my friend Don Randall for posting the link about this on the VO-BB.
Thank you, Bob, for the kind mention on your site today. And how do I get listed on here and with my demo too as female voice or?? Tell me what I need to do. Also, I have a blog page on my website that I’m finally going to turn into a real vo blog. It started as a personal blog…or else I’ll be starting it on a new domain name I just purchased…but anyhoo…for right now, I have my big website and would like to get my name and demo on your site…or is it run that way or? Let me know.
You’re very welcome for the mention. As for adding to you to blogroll, I’ll have that done by the time you read this reply.
And about your blog I’ve added that as well. I’m trying to have a complete blogroll of every voiceover blog I can find. I’m sorry I didn’t know about yours previously or I would have already linked to you.
Be well,