Seth Godin has brilliantly captured the essence of my life as a voiceover talent. Some days can be very long. For example, no voiceover project I’ve done has ever taken as much time as the work I’ve been doing while recording of the entire Bible. (We’re almost done. We have a few more corrections and we’re finished.) The amount of time a voiceover project takes or the times of day I have to do work are almost meaningless because doing things right, delivering a great performance, is such delight it hardly seems like work.
The same applies to this blog. I love finding articles like this. I love passing along thoughts and ideas that I hope are helpful to you in your work, whether you do voiceovers or your hire voice talent. This isn’t work, it’s part of the fabric, the passion, of my life.
My thanks to my friend Kitzie Stern for posting the link to Seth’s article. (Kitzie it was such a delight seeing you at Marice’s workshop in Seattle!)