Todd Schick, a professional voice talent and coach, has taken the time to review every announced speaker at VOICE 2008. VOICE 2008 is in Los Angeles in August 8 through 11. Very interesting stuff here. I don’t agree with every word Todd has written; but he clearly has a sharp eye for detail and an excellent ear. Lots of good stuff to chew on here, Todd. Thank you for taking the time to review, write and post this information.
While you’re there, check out all of the other helpful and valuable material you’ll find on Todd’s site. There’s a ton of good stuff.
(Update. My thanks to Connie Terwilliger for linking to Todd’s VOICE 2008 review page on the VO-BB.)
Love the site Bob. I am a former midwestern radio guy now living in South Carolina. I am currently doing V.O’s through Interactive Voices. Glad I found your blog. It’s outstanding.
Paul Crutcher
Paul’s World of Funky Stuff
Thank you. As Carolina voice talent, there’s a group of us that tries to get together for some social time now and then. I’ll do my best to remember to include you in our email list when we set up the next time in a few months.
Be well,
While Mr. Schick is certainly entitled to his opinion, I think some of the name-calling and assumptions are uncalled for. He judges a book by it’s cover and doesn’t seem to really look into it’s pages at all.
He also puts down all teachers/coaches with the age old saying of “those who can’t do…teach”
He has replied to some of his critics on for those who might be interested.
Thanks for your comment. I agree that some of what Todd has written was too much. Here’s the link to that board, for any who might wish to see the discussion on VoiceOverSavvy.
Be well,
If anybody remembers last year’s rant by this man prior to Voice 2007 it’s more of the same.
Thanks for listening,
Bobbin Beam
Thank you for that reminder.
Be well,
There are many wonderful professionals here who it seems were eviscerated for sport. Venerable pros like Richard H. and Pat F. and Joyce and Bob B. getting slammed like this says more about the writer than the subjects. I don’t imagine they’ll feel compelled to defend themselves against such stuff to this person, but I am glad that some part of the comments there have now been better researched and amended.
Thank you for your insightful comment. In my view, Todd demonstrates more about himself with his comments than he does anyone else.
Be well,