If you are interesting in jumping into audiobooks with both feet, the very best thing you can do is sign up for one of Pat Fraley’s Audiobook Master Events. The next one is Saturday and Sunday, the 3rd and 4th of May 2008 in Los Angeles. Space is limited to 12 participants. The cost is $1400 Cash, Check or Credit Card. Payment schedules arranged upon request. It’s taking place at …
World Famous Buzzy’s Recording
6900 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90038
To Enroll, email patfraleyteaches@aol.com or call (818) 400-3733.
A bit less than 2 years ago, I flew out to Los Angeles and took one of these Audiobook Master Events. As with the upcoming event, I received an audiobook demo some days after the event. I took that demo, followed through on only some of what I learned about marketing myself during Pat’s class, and starting less than 3 months later have been working consistently doing audiobooks for several different publishers.
Yes, you’re going to learn much more than just how to effectively read audiobooks. You’re going to get solid, practical ideas about how to market yourself. There’s much more detail on Pat’s Audiobook Master Event site.
Technorati Tags: audiobook, Pat Fraley
Sounds like a great class. I’ll post it on my Voice Registry.com blog. Perfect timing! Part 2 of my interview with Alfred Molina is up on Voice Registry this week and the focus is audio books. I just wrote a blog called “Radio Plays are Alive and Well in England.” I’m here at Video Box Studios stage managing a radio play for the BBC with American voice actors.
Along with radio plays, audio books are continuing to be very popular. More good news for voice actors!
It is a great class. I agree, the growth in opportunities for quality voiceover talent is growing rapidly.
Be well,