Every year since 1997, I have attended and benefited tremendously from the International Radio Creative and Production Summit presented by Dan O’Day. This means that I’ve been at all of them except the very first one, which I didn’t know about until after it was done so I couldn’t go to that one. This year’s Summit runs August 8 and 9, 2008. It’s at the LAX Hilton once again.
For us in voiceover work, there is always a ton of valuable information. Some years more than others. This is one of the more years. We’re going to hear from Pat Fraley. If you don’t know Pat’s name, you’ve heard his voice thousands of times.
We’re going to get a chance to work with Nancy Wolfson, one of the very top voiceover coaches. I’ve studied with Nancy personally and I think you’ll love her blend of brutal honesty and uplifting encouragement. And the legendary Dick Orkin (co-founder with Dan of the Summit) will be there.
If you do any commercial copy writing, there will be opportunities to learn some new ideas and techniques, practical stuff you will be able to put to use, literally, immediately.
If you’re involved in radio imaging, there’s going to be a top-flight panel of imaging voice and production people.
Registration is strictly limited to 100 people. And this year, for the first time, Dan has initiated an affiliate program for folks who have previously attended the Summit at least twice. The one exception is that those who attended last year’s Summit can also take part. (If you were at last year’s Summit or you’ve been to the Summit at least twice and you’d like to take part, email Dan and ask for details. His email address is on his web site, if you don’t all ready have it.) What this means is that if you decide to attend the Summit for the first time and you would like for me to get a commission on your registration, put my name as the person who referred you, in the comment field at the bottom of the on-line registration form.
Or, if you fax or mail your registration, just write my name as your reference on your form.
But, please, if you’d rather I DIDN’T get the commission, then DON’T put my name in the comment box. Your price for the Summit will be exactly the same regardless of whether you put me down as referring you or not.
And yes, that limitation of 100 attendees is real. The Summit is taking place the same weekend as VOICE 2008. I’m planning to attend both. That is, I’m going to attend all of the Summit and as much of VOICE as I can. What ever you decide to do that weekend, I hope I get to see you in Los Angeles the second weekend of August 2008.
Hi Bob,
I am thinking of attending if I can. So we’ll probably see each other in LA this year, at one place and/or the other. Gotta work on my logistics, fast! Thanks for the reminder!
You’re welcome. Both are going to be unique experiences. I look forward to seeing you again, in LA, in August.
Be well,