With thanks to my friend Rowell Gormon for posting the link to this video on the VO-BB, here is some really cogent advice from NPR personality Ira Glass (This American Life) about finding your own voice. Please note, as you start to watch and listen, that Ira is talking about video production so it takes him a while before he gets to the stuff about narration. Be patient. His self-critique is truly brilliant.
Thank you, Ira for this excellent material. And if you pop over to YouTube to watch, you’ll see that Ira has a whole bunch of these videos.
Great video. I’ll look for some of his others.
It really hits where I am right now with some recent self-realizations about my own voice.
It really is a never ending process and that’s what I love about it so much.
As you probably all ready know, the simple way to find some of Ira’s other videos is to click on the body of the video above while it’s playing. This will take you to YouTube and in the “related videos” section you’ll see a bunch of them.
Be well,