If you’re interested in getting starting doing voiceover work, you might have stumbled across this blog. You’ll find a bunch of posts in the Getting Started in Voiceover category through the link over on the right. But, as you’re reading, take a moment to check out this post from my friend Rowell Gormon, which will give you at least one good idea of what not to do.
thank you.
…and thank the Maker for that little column over on the right. that’s where i spent my hour trying to find links to other posts to explain the “acting” in voiceover. too bad my CALLER never read them. but i don’t count the hour of searching links a waste because of all the information i was re-introduced to along the way, as well as some i missed the first time around.
you really have created a treasure trove of knowledge here, and it’s to your credit that it’s all here if someone just takes the time to look and read.
Thank you for your very kind comments. It’s amazing what we can accomplish if we just keep plugging away at sometime about which we care a great deal.
Be well,
I read the posting on Rowell’s blog and, having just experienced something similar (although not nearly as time consuming), knew exactly what he went through. I am so grateful to all of the experienced VOs who are so generous with their time, experience and knowledge that it just blows my mind when someone who knows nothing rejects the helping hand being offered.
It amazes me, too. But, whether it takes all kinds or not … we have them.
Be well,