Following up on my post yesterday about patience, and with thanks to the thoughts sparked by my friend Dave Courvoisier in the comment he left to that post, let’s think for a minute today about another vitally important character trait for the voiceover professional. Persistence.
President Coolidge’s famous quote about this subject is a good place to start. (hat tip to Sling Words for the quote.)
“Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘Press On’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
Being patient, as I mentioned yesterday, is vital. But you have to endure in that patience. This is where persistence comes in to play. I was asked during an interview a few weeks ago what’s the secret to being successful in voiceover work? My two word answer: “Don’t quit.” You must persist in your efforts at preparing, planting, cultivating and harvesting if you’re going to make a go of your voiceover career in the long run.
However, I need to sound a note of caution here, as well. There is a significant difference between patient persistence and selfish stupidity. If your children are going hungry, or your marriage is starting to fall apart, because you continue to persistently pursue a dream of being a successful voice actor … it’s time to make some changes. Do not destroy the lives of people around you while you are pursuing your dream. Do what you have to so that your family is cared for. This doesn’t mean you have to abandon your dream. It means you have to weigh the costs and pursue that dream prudently, not foolishly. The cost to your soul isn’t worth whatever fleeting wealth or fame you might achieve.
So, as President Coolidge said, “Press on” to your goals and dreams. Don’t quit. Patiently, carefully, generously prepare, sow, cultivate and then see what a remarkable harvest you’ll gather.
I’m ALL persistence and no patience. Funny thing. Thanks for the post – I’ll totally ignore the one on patience 😉
Take what makes sense to you. Leave the rest. I’m glad to know you can find something of value here now and then.
Be well,
The Coolidge quote is one of my favorites. And don’t believe Anthony. I have known him to work like the dickens and then lay low and see what comes of it…even if it was only for a week.
Take care,
Thank you. I really like that Coolidge quote, too. And as one of the people who best personifies persistence, I’m very grateful you’ve stopped by to add to the conversation.
Be well,
Thank you, Bob. To quote the late Frank Zappa: “You Rock.”
Stop blowing up my spot, Dan-O! LOL. Work, work, work!
You’re secret is safe with me. No worries!
Be well,
Ha – I know you know I was kidding, BUT today I came across the 9th Verse of the Tao (shortened for brevity and relevance):
To keep on filling is not as good as stopping.
Overfilled, the cupped hands drip, better to stop pouring.
Sharpen a blade too much and its edge will soon be lost…
Retire when the work is done;
this is the way of heaven.
– Lao-tzu
Excellent. There’s a strong connection between that quote and Seth Godin’s recent book “The Dip,” which I’ve been reading the last couple of days.
No question, persistence doesn’t mean over-doing a thing. It does mean pushing forward through the times when you want to quit.
Be well,
Those words by Coolidge have been part of my quote collection for a long time! Persistence really is the key, especially in our industry. Nobody can tell you that you should try something else even if you suffer in the short-term. You gotta go where your heart leads you!
Thanks for adding to the conversation.
Be well,