I’m in Charleston, South Carolina on a business trip and as long as I was going to be here, I posted on the VO-BB asking if anyone might be in the area who’d like to visit. As it turned out, I had two delightful visits today. The first was this morning with my friend Roger Tremaine, who actually lives in Kentucky. But, Roger is here in Charleston to visit his daughter and her husband and the grandchildren. So, he came by the hotel where I’m staying and we had a wonderful time catching with what’s been going on in our respective lives and careers.
Before Roger had to head back to his family we snapped a quick photo together.
A couple of hours after Roger was on his way, my friend Carl Hedgepeth came by for a visit as well. We again talked about a whole range of subjects including Carl’s professional background and of course plenty about our mutual interest in voiceover work. Again it was truly a delightful visit and then Carl had to get to a video shoot nearby where he was serving as a production assistant.
A nice lady walking through the lobby of the hotel was nice enough to snap a photo of Carl and me with my phone camera.