I StumbledUpon a site this evening called WhereIsTheMic.com. Very interesting. An online store for voice professionals.
And with my thanks to Jorge Velasco for his comment, another store with voiceover gear for voice actors is VoiceOverEssentials.com, created by the legendary Harlan Hogan.
(edited to fix typos and add a second link)
Hmmm… an odd move by the 123 folks. Interesting that they would not cross promote and advertise it more, unless I just missed their announcement.
I’m not sure, but my impression is that represents some kind of “seal of approval” rather than a site they’re doing themselves. In any case, it’s certainly an interesting idea.
Be well,
Actually, it says “From the same creators of Voice123 – Voice Overs”
Very useful link, Bob. Thank you!
By the way, http://voiceoveressentials.com/ is another Amazon powered webstore created by Harlan Hogan.
You are quite right. My eyes skipped right over that link as well as the copyright notification about Torrenegra Enterprises. And thanks for the additional link to Harlan’s site. I’ll add that to the post.
Be well,