I received a very nice email today from Australian voice talent Mairead Curran, asking if I’d be willing to add her site to my blogroll. She was nice enough to mention that she’d be willing to add a link to me in return if I required that, which I do not. But, I do appreciate the kindness of a link back when anyone so chooses.
By the way, Mairead (which if you read her site you’ll discover is pronounced like “parade” but with an “m”) has also started a voiceover blog, so I’ve added a link to that part of her site as well.
Mairead says
Thank you so much Bob, you are very kind. I hope my blog musings from myself and my husband are helpful to aspiring and experienced VO artists alike!
Bob says
You’re very welcome. I look forward to reading your and your husband’s musings.
Be well,