Dan O’Day takes a commercial to the woodshed each Monday on his blog. This week he enlisted the help of voiceover superstar Ann DeWig to help demonstrate how to take a commercial to a whole new level even when the writing might not be the most believable.
Superb work, Ann. And a very interesting exercise, Dan. Like several of the folks who left comments, I liked the second approach the best, with the third approach not far behind.
Ann shines?? Why, she’d be nothing without me! It was my brilliant direction that transformed her from a voice stumbling in the wilderness to — Excuse me, time to take my meds.
You are a funny, funny man … with or without your meds. Yes, your direction was important; but since I’d all ready linked to your blog twice previously this week, I was trying to find some other way to call attention to your post without it being so apparent to everyone that I’m completely in your thrall.
Be well,