My friend Greg Phellps recommends ZenPro Audio. Here’s what he had to say about the place on the VO-BB.
When I find good people who know what they are doing I like to pass along the word. Not only does he deserve the business but you deserve to be treated well too. That’s part of what makes my friend Warren such a pleasure. He has just opened up shop as Zen Pro Audio.
A few weeks ago I was asking about what you would like to see as a voice over package.
This is the guy I was telling you about. He has put together some nice packages, check them out, but that’s not what he does best.
Warren, or Warhead as his friends call him has been in the audio industry selling gear for over 5 years. He’s been a home and project studio guy since the early 90’s, interned at SoundLab Recording Studios in Lexngton SC from 1993 to 1994 and learned the basics, and buying his mentor’s previous 8 track rig and setting up an office trailer in the backyard to charge $15 an hour to track local bands. “It’s been years, but yes I’ve edited with a razor blade a few times back then…!” he recalls.
Moved to digital in the early 2000’s and became active in online forums posting as “Warhead”, always appreciating the high end stuff but decidedly “bang for the buck”: He talked mostly about things he discovered that delivered high quality sound for a great price. He began writing online reviews for, and received a Safe Sound Audio P1 channel strip for review and was blown away by it. Instead of reviewing it, he worked out a deal to import Safe Sound Audio to North America and it’s been that way for over 5 years. Now he sells dozens of brands and hundreds of products, most of which he owns or has personal experience with to help the customer make decisions that are right for them.
ZenPro Audio is his new venture
Warren really knows the products well and what will work best for a given situation. He is there to help you and makes it a point to really understand what you are after. In other words, the man knows how to SERVE his clients…he is not just a place to buy gear but more of a gear guru that you will find yourself going back to over and over again. The gear purchase is almost like a bonus to the education you’ll get…
A lot of guys in the gear sells business claim they can do this…but so many are limited to what the current push on equipment is…ever went into a store for a mic and came away with a new preamp because they were the “featured” product?
Your life, as far as equipment purchases go, just got a whole lot easier. Give him a call….tell him I sent you…you’ll find you like him right from the start. He’s a one man operation and how he manages to keep up with it all and still serve you like you’ve never been served before is an amazing feat all it’s own. Don’t take my word for it though…You could look up his name on Gearslutz and find out what others say about him…like, “the guy really knows his stuff”….”great guy to work with”….”amazing how he knows all this stuff”….it goes on and on….give him a shot…you’ll find out what buying gear is supposed to be like.
The site looks like someplace worth exploring and Greg knows what he’s talking about when it comes to gear. Thank you for the good information, Greg.
Are you selling API preamps?
No, I don’t sell gear at all, just voiceovers.
Be well,
I like to pass along the word. Not only does he deserve the business but you deserve to be treated well too. That’s part of what makes my friend Warren such a pleasure