One of the key ideas who cherish at Faffcon is the idea of golden nuggets. Each of us has at least one golden nugget for someone else, some valuable bit of information or insight that someone else needs to hear or learn. Someone also has at least one golden nugget for each of us. Also, we don’t know who needs our nuggets and who has our nuggets, nor can we anticipate how or when the nugget sharing will happen. Our task at this working pro voiceover unconference is to chat with as many others as possible to be sure we give and receive as many golden nuggets as possible.
Five different people have all ready told me they received golden nuggets from me, none of which I realized were taking place at that moment. For myself, I continue to gain insights about how to more effectively communicate via social networking, among many other things. It’s because of all the gold floating around that I have committed myself to being at every Faffcon.
Love this post, Bob. I think the whole FAFFCON concept is brilliant.
Yes indeed, Bob! Your golden nuggets were more like diamonds for me! I’ve already started applying those “E.L.B.”‘s as we speak! Thanks again for sharing your wisdom with us! 🙂