The bread and butter part of the voiceover business for many people making a comfortable living doing voiceovers these days is long-form narration of one kind or another. This is where I live and where many of my friends live. So, how do you get a handle on this wide-ranging set of voiceover categories and sub-categories?
My suggestion would be to get in touch with Pat Fraley and check our his new home study course on narration work. It’s a very modestly priced $200 for the 5 week course. (By the way, I get no commission or any other benefit from telling you about this course. I should also note that Pat asked me to offer some thoughts that he has included in this course. But again, I’m not getting any commission or kick-back or fee of any kind for telling you about this course.)
Pat Fraley is a very well established working professional voice actor, with genuine gift for teaching others about voiceover. I hope you will check our his home study course on narration work.
I second Bob. Pat Fraley is one of the best coaches and instructors in the VO world. Take any of his class; you won’t regret it!
Rich Owen
Get Rich VO
Thanks for the reference Bob!
Will take a look! It’s always nice to get advice from other professionals in the VO and narration industry.
Thank you for your amazing blog.
Perfect timing! As I get more audiobook clients, having a great coach would be a great help. Thanks for posting this reference!
Iesha Nyree